Positive Parenting Institute fully stands behind our positive parenting classes. Some participants will take our online positive parenting classes for personal & occupational reasons, while most take our programs for a court, or probation department requirement. At this time there are no specific standards for Parenting Class/Parent Class requirements by most courts. It is however your personal responsibility to confirm with the judge, probation department, or your lawyer as to whether non classroom positive parenting training programs will meet your requirements. Please do this prior to signing up for our on-line parenting class.
If our program does not satisfy a court or legal requirement, we will refund your money in full when presented with written proof of its decline by the state or county official in charge.
Our training model is recognized nationwide:
The Positive Parenting Training Institute’s sister organization – the Anger Management Training Institute – employs an award-winning intervention model that is accepted in courts, probation departments, hospitals, mental health facilities, substance abuse facilities, major corporations, governmental agencies and private practices throughout the United States & Canada, and has been recognized by professional organizations across the nation including:
Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors Provider Number 1442
Texas Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists Provider # 477
Texas State Board of Social Workers Examiners Provider # 5665
California Foundation for Advancement of Addiction Professionals (CFAAP) (CAADAC) Provider # OS-10-140-0414
California Board of Behavioral Sciences Provider # PCE 4758
California Board of Registered Nursing Provider # CEP 15554
NAADAC: The National Association for Addiction Professionals, Provider #548
National Association of Social Workers, Provider #886541990 - 34 CEU's
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling BAP #1080
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work Provider # BAP #1080
Florida Marriage and Family Therapy Provider # BAP #1080
Florida Mental Health Counseling Provider # BAP #1080
American Academy of Health Care Providers in Addictive Disorders Provider #12-1410
Illinois Alcohol & Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association, Inc Program # 10587